Saturday, August 29, 2009

i'm not a ROCKSTAR, but i still tend to ROCKHARD :DD

ABC About You Questions:
A - AVAILABLITY: single but i don't think i'm available at the moment. pmr u know!
B - BIRTHDAY: 24/09/94
C - CRUSHING ON: that's the secret i'll never tell. anonymous!
D - DRINK YOU LAST HAD: milo. pergh!!
E - EASIEST PERSON TO TALK TO: wahida & fhatin.
F - FAVORITE SONG: you belong with me-taylor swift && dear maria count me in-all time low.
G - GUMMY BEARS OR GUMMY WORMS: gummy bears. wait!! r we talking about food here?
H - HOMETOWN: Penang baby!!
I - IN LOVE WITH: gah! who the hell? family? friends?
J - JUGGLE: huh??!
K - KILLED SOMEONE: Not yet. considering...
L - LONGEST CAR RIDE: Penang-johor. it's a long way to go! yeah baby! :D
M- MILKSHAKE FLAVOR: Chocolate! crucial!!
O - ONE WISH: to be the greatest person you'll ever meet.(eheh. impossible!) or to be a person you'll always remember. in a good way. ngeh!
P - PERSON YOU CALLED LAST: wahida (weyh!! pegi tuition ke x??!) ngee. xD
R- REASON TO SMILE: a lot! ngek!
S - SONG YOU LAST HEARD: poker face-lady gaga. face!!
T - TIME YOU WOKE UP: 10am. went to gurney. effing early!! :D
V- VEGETABLE(S): ergh!! hate them. :(
W - WORST HABIT: left my homework undone.
X - X-RAYS YOU'VE HAD: not yet. never wish for it.
Y – YOYOS ARE: coolio!! but never have one.
Z - ZODIAC SIGN: libra. (straight line, semi circle, straight line; (below those: straight line))

Random Questions About You:
Spell your name without vowels: ST KHLLH
What color do you wear most?: errr, never noticed it before.
What are you listening to?: clubbing song. ahah!
Are you happy with your life right now?: sort of. but never enough.
What is your favorite class in school/college?: none. love every class. every class are unique. poyo dowh!
Are you outgoing?: Yeah.
Favorite pair of shoes?: my black flip-flops. counted?
Where do you wish you were right now?: paris, rome, genting highlands(with friends. weyh!! after pmr weyh.)

Can you dance? : a little.
Can you tie a cherry stem with your mouth? : blurr. *staring at the question for a few minutes*
Can you whistle? : Yes!!
Write with both hands?: nope. i'm just a right-handed gal. one day. *sticking my tounge out*
Walk with your toes curled: rare. but when i was small, i like to walk like that. now? no!

Do you believe there is life on other planets?: nope. no proof about that.
Do you believe in miracles?: yes. i do! since the day i was born. exaggerating here. haha.
Do you believe in magic?: hmm..
Love at first sight?: yeah!
Do you think there's a Satan: obviously! it's even written in al-quran. eheh.
Do you believe in Santa?: pfft! of course not. who would believe a fat man with white beard and moustache until you can even barely see his face in red suit flying over your house and deliver your presents through chimney or even eat you cookies and milk you set for the old man? weirdo.
Do you know how to swim?: Yes. :)
Do you think you could handle the stuff they eat on those reality shows?: eww! gross.

Have you ever been on a plane?: Yes.
Have you asked someone out?: is friends counted? if yes, then yes it is. ^-^
Have you ever been asked out by someone?: yeap yeap. *wink wink*
Have you ever been to the ocean?: yes. but i don't really enjoyed it. *sigh*
Have you ever painted your nails?: haha. yeap. and i painted people's nails too. heeeee.

What is the temperature outside? : err, don't know. heh.
What radio station do you listen to?: fly fm. it's all about the music.
What was the last restaurant you ate at?: kapitan. ergh!
What was the last thing you bought?: maggi ( curry flavour) && cheese. weird huh??!
Who was the last person you took a picture of?: me , wahida & fhatin, together. aww.. in my car btw. hahahaha.

Ever really cried your heart out?: yessssss! :(
Ever cried yourself to sleep?: yeah. had. *blushing*
Ever cried on your friend's shoulder?: never. i don't think they ever saw me crying.
Ever cried over the opposite sex?: pfft! for what??! for the shit they did? no!!
Do you cry when you get an injury?: sometimes.
Do certain songs make you cry?: Some.

Are you a happy person?: yeap yeap. happy go-lucky!!
What can make you happy?: depends. perhaps....when i get what i want?
Do you wish you were happier?: Yeah...always wish for that.
Can music make you happy?: Some.

How many times have you had your heart broken?: i can't ring a bell.
Have you ever loved someone so much that you'd die for them?: Yes. for the sake of my love. family i mean.

What is your current hair color?: Black.
Current piercings?: none. not even a hole on my ear pinna. ahah. weird??
Have any tattoos?: never plan on having it. it hurts my eyes when they have it at the whole body. you say to decorate your body? i say you're hurting yours.
Eye color?: Black.

Favorite eye color: err, brown or grey. but black will do.
Short or long hair: hmm..depends.
Height: taller than me must be!! *tounge out*
Best clothing: simple yet nice to see.

Been to jail: Nope.
Mooned someone: errr. *cough cough*
Thrown up in a store: grr. no no no!!!
Done something really stupid that you still laugh at today: yes. *laughing* *still laughing*
Gone skinny dipping: sheesh!

Pepsi or Coke: coke.
Mcdonald's or Burger King: can't choose. both are my fav.
Single or Group Dates: i'll prefer group. but...depends. :DD
Chocolate or Vanilla: depends. mostly vanilla.
Strawberries or Blueberries: strawberries!!!
meat or Veggies: meat. of course!
TV or Movie: Movie.
Guitar or Drums?: Guitar? drums? both!!!!!
Adidas or Nike: converse.
Chinese or Mexican: err, any.
Cheerios or Corn Flakes: Corn Flakes.
Pie or Cake: cakes. especially chocolate cake. yum yum! ;p

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